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Science Of The Immortals
The Science of Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics, & Alchemy
- PART 2 -
"The First Cause" - "The Origin Of All Creation" - "The All" - "The Absolute" - "UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS" -
"The Science Of Abstract Consciousness"
The vibration of the 'Black Hole' / 'Utter Blackness' / 'Utter Darkness' is its 'Light.'
The 'Source' of a 'Black Hole' is the 'Absolute Zero-Point Field' / 'Force.' In metaphysical terms, this 'Source' can be called anything - 'Consciousness' - 'Energy' 'God.'
In The Science Of Abstract Consciousness, we can call this 'Source' a 'CON-ELECTRO-MAGNO-FIELD / FORCE.' (Note the appellation 'Con-Electro-Magno-Field' / 'Force' - is a metaphysical expression for this 'Source.'
As can be seen from this appellation / label, it comprises aspects of 'elements' already known to us - it is in fact a conflation of these aspects.
Simply put,
1. it is a conflation of 'Consciousness' as a "processing system to obtain "meaningful meaning."
2. an 'Electro-Dissipative Field.'
3. a 'Magneto-Gravitational' / 'Compressive Force.'
4. an 'Infinite-Energetic Source.'
Taken together, we can call this - an 'Absolute Zero-Point Field / Force.' (Note the appellation con-electro-Magno-Field / Force - is a metaphysical expression for this 'Source.')
Alternatively, since all of the above are hypothesis - we can postulate an axiom - in the following form, there exists a 'Force,' which having the following qualities (Note it is not necessary to proceed by way of an axiom, but the axiom is postulated here, by way of completeness);
1. it contains 'Consciousness' as a "processing system to obtain meaningful meaning."
2. it has an 'Electro-Dissipative Field.'
3. it has a 'Magneto-Gravitational' / 'Compressive Force.'
4. it has an 'Infinite-Energetic Source.'
This will enable us to proceed further in our investigation.
Since this is not necessary, but is only postulated for completeness, it cannot be regarded as a "First Axiom." It is a Axiom that applies, specifically to the 'Absolute Zero-Point Field.'
In physical (3-dimensional / language) terms, we speak of something as being in 'motion' or 'motionless.' Further, when the "two opposing conceptions" are in balance, we can speak of an 'Equilibrium State.'
The 'Stillness' of the 'Flux State' - is a 'Higher Dimensional State,' therefore to conceive of it and to speak of it, in 3-dimensional terms, does not accurately reflect, what it is. Our words, can only approximate, since these are 'Higher Dimensional States' / 'Qualities' - which we may experience in the 3rd dimension - but we must always be ready to accept, that the words we use to express these qualities, is limited.
The 'Absolute Zero-Point Field' - can best be described as being in a state of 'stillness' or 'Flux State.' By way of analogy, we can use the language of the 3rd Dimensional opposition of Forces, to reach a near approximation of this 'Flux State.'
When "two opposing Forces" are equally balanced, there is a state of 'Equilibrium.' This state of 'Equilibrium,' can be described as a 'stillness' - but there is in fact a 'Dynamic Tension,' between the "two opposing Forces." This 'Dynamic Tension' - is the nearest we can get to an understanding of a 'Flux State' - an apparent 'motionless' / 'inert' / 'non vibratory condition,' full of 'All Potentiality' - which is its infiniteness. Being on a 'Higher Dimensional Plane,' there is 'motion' of some sort - which we are not able to 'conceive,' 'explain' or otherwise 'rationalise' - through the 'causal mechanisms' - we experience and accept, as part of our 3rd dimensional reality. We should therefore not be surprised, if we are not readily able to make sense of such a phenomena - or if it appears 'irrational,' 'illogical' or even 'paradoxical.'
For convenience the term 'Flux State Stillness' is used here.
In metaphysical terms, it is put thus - "...Be still, and know that I am God..." (Psalm 46:10, KJV)
The 'Flux State Stillness' - 'Differentiates' - resulting in an increasing 'Differentiation' of its state, from the core of the 'Positive' and 'Negative Qualities' - which increases the further away the 'differentiation process' is, from an "infinite central point." It has one process, a non-physical process, best described by the term, we would call 'Differentiation.'
The 'Flux State Stillness exists in "Two States" - which oppose each other and which for convenience, we can call - 'Positive ' and 'Negative.'
For convenience, we will call the 'Negative' aspect - a 'Field' and the 'Positive' aspect - a 'Force' - this enables us to distinguish these aspects.
The 'Negative Field' - we shall call the 'Electro-Monad Field' - having a single quality, which we shall call a 'Proto-Light.' This 'Proto-Light' is a pure 'Undifferentiated Light' / 'Blackness.'
The other 'Positive' 'quality' - 'Force' - we shall call a 'Magnetic Force.'
The 'Electro-Monad' - 'Proto-Light' - is 'Expansive' in quality (by defining it as a 'Quality' - it is a 'non physical attribute' - as it has no 'quantity.')
The other 'Force' - the 'Positive Force' has a 'Compressive quality.' Defined as a 'Quality' - it has no physical / 3rd Dimensional element to it.
When considered as a 'Single Unit,' this 'Positive-Negative Quality' - can be called the 'Electro-Magnetic Field' / 'Force.'
This 'Single Unit' - therefore has both a "Negative Expansive - Proto-Electric - Light Quality" and a "Positive Compressive (Attractive Force) Magnetic / Gravitic Quality." (Note - it should be remembered however, that conceptually, within a 3rd Dimensional paradigm of "Cause and Effect" - this 'Single Unit' - this 'Absolute Zero-Point Field' / 'Force' - is 'inert' and 'motionless.')
When it does vibrate - this 'Vibration' is known as the 'First Cause' or its 'First Cause' - and it is transformed into 'Light' - a spectrum of 'Differentiated Light.'
In our observations of a 'Black Hole' - it seems that what we are witnessing, is the nature of 'Origin' - 'First Cause' and the nature of 'Creation' itself.
©July 2023 - Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja -
SOTI Collected Works
Edited By Candice Adelaja
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